Posters & Prints Captain Sternnregular poster Captain SternnLimited EditionSigned&No. 71/500 Captain SternnPull out poster from History of Comics Toutain. #13 1982Spain Conan the CimmerianPoster - Heroic Fantasy Series #1Christopher Enterprises 1976 Siegfried #1Christopher Enterprises1976 Freaks #2Christopher Enterprises1976 Hunter #3Christopher Enterprises1976 Visitor #4Christopher Enterprises1976 Loggerhead #5Christopher Enterprises1976 LoggerheadposterChevalier-printersNetherlands - 1979 Change For A Dollar #6Christopher Enterprises1976 Counsel to a Minion #7Christopher Enterprises1976 Breakfast #8Christopher Enterprises1976 Taking No Chances #9Christopher Enterprises1976 Waiting #10Christopher Enterprises1976 Momentos #11Christopher Enterprises1976 Mementos 1979 Big-O 23 x 35 DD13 Momentos1992 Glimmer GraphicsSigned limited of 400 Robert Lewis print1971 Marvel FrankensteinPromo Poster Frankenstein the Studies1996 - SideShow Frankenstein1995 print Fantagraphics printsigned #51.250 Frankenstein printSigned #60/400 Frankenstein Model poster - Movie style Alive,Alive limited editionGuzu Gallery printSigned #3/30 Frankenstein printFrom French limited edition hardcover Cast Into the Sea1987 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 My Imagination Was Busy1987 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 In Search of Secrets1987 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 Descending the Mountain1987 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 His Eyes Were Fixed on Me1987 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 Where Can I Find Rest1987 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 The Laboratory1988 printGraphic CollectiblesSigned #155/300 Frankenstein1991 printGlimmer GraphicsSigned #82/275 Departure1992 printGlimmer GraphicsSigned #96/275 I Shall Be With You 1992 posterGlimmer Graphics Frankenstein LabPosterGlimmer Graphics Frankenstein Frontis PiecePrint - Nakatomi First DayPrint - NakatomiSigned numbered to 150 Features as BeautifulPrint - NakatomiSigned numbered to 150 Torrent of LightPrint - NakatomiSigned numbered to 160 Rest But In DeathPrint - NakatomiSigned numbered to 250 Close AttentionPrint - NakatomiSigned numbered to 140 Perished on the ScaffoldPrint - NakatomiSigned numbered to 125 I Shall Be With YouPrint - NakatomiSigned #40/200 A Filthy ProcessPrint - NakatomiAP Frankenstein - unused title pagePrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 The ConfrontationPrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 Ask Thee to PardonPrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 Discovered It's ShapePrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 Want of SleepPrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 Recourse to DeathPrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 My Weary ExistencePrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 MortificationPrint - NakatomiSigned #30/60 Eyes They May BePrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 Wretched a ConditionPrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 Scenes of EvilPrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 Flight of an EaglePrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 Agreed to DescendPrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 Wretch I CreatedPrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 AlonePrint - NakatomiSigned #35/50 A Filthy Process - Artist EditionPrint - Nakatomi#187/300 Flight of an Eagle - Artist EditionPrint - Nakatomi#25/300 Accursed Creator - Artist EditionPrint - Nakatomi#51/300 Despondence - Artist EditionPrint - Nakatomi#33/300 Where the Corpse Lay - Artist EditionPrint - Nakatomi#17/300 Unabated Fervor - Artist EditionNakatomi No. 3/30012"x18" Triceratops PrintLand of EnchantmentSigned #59/100 Plesiosaurus PrintLand of EnchantmentSigned #59/100 Hadrosaurus PrintLand of EnchantmentSigned #59/100 Diplodocus PrintLand of EnchantmentSigned #59/100 Allosaurus PrintLand of EnchantmentSigned #59/100 Triceratops PosterLand of Enchantment Plesiosaurus PosterLand of Enchantment Hadrosaurus PosterLand of Enchantment Allosaurus PosterLand of Enchantment Diplodocus PosterLand of Enchantment Diplodocus PosterBig O 197923"x35" DD15 Bitch1973 print Shadow AdGasca Prod. LTD1972 - 17 1/2"x22 1/2" Helix fanzine print9"x12" offered for 50 cents in fanzine HCP #4Heritage Print1975 Freak ShowLimited print from Netherlands hardcover book Cryptics printInfinity Five 1973 insert Creepy limited edition print 1969#167/484 untitled print1971? Seraphim #5 print 11"x15" Howard the Duck1976 sepia tone print Dr . StrangeSilver Dagger print The Most Evil Sorcerer1999 Signed print Swamp Thing and Krypto print Convention printDallas Comicon 201413"x19" Convention printAustin MondoCon 201411"x14" Convention printAustin MondoCon 201411"x14" Convention printAustin MondoCon 201411"x14" Convention printAustin MondoCon 201411"x14" Convention printAustin MondoCon 201411"x14" Bad Time Storiessigned print11"x17" Convention printsigned Convention printAustin MondoCon 201414"x11" Convention printLeap of FaithSigned Convention print201511"x14" Convention print201511"x14" Convention print201511"x14" Convention printSigned #70/100 Convention printBreaching signed Convention printsigned Convention printsigned Convention printsigned Convention printNight Surf printSigned #16/100 Convention printSalamandra print Convention printAllosaurus FragilisSigned print #57/100 Convention printOver BalancedSigned print Midnight Constitutional1997 Houthaven print Club Members print1997 HouthavenSigned #227/500 Zach & FriendsChiller ConSigned print Heroes Con print2011 #253/1000 Fan Club print1999 Signed Feeding FrenzyFan Club print2000 Signed Fan Club print1998 Signed Creatures Featured #1Signed #353/500sketchbook tipped in Creatures Featured #1Signed #59/500tipped in for Bud Plant edition Glimmer Graphics Poster 1988Signed #39/500 Bad Doin in Knuckledowns Lonesome1975 posterChristopher Enterpriises Ode To A Scottish Prayer1977Tyrannosaurus Press 16"x20"Signed of 100 Ode To A Scottish Prayer1990 Glimmer Graphics Gentleman Of Adventure1991 Glimmer Graphics Signed #45/275 Meltification of the Loathesome Fishes1993 Glimmer GraphicsSigned #28/100 SSSHHH posterChevalier-printers1979 poster Poster from the StudioChevalier-printers1979 poster Tocatta en Fugue1987 Graphic CollectablesSigned #308/350 Dragon poster1987 Graphic CollectablesSigned #134/350 First Challenge printSigned #61/300 Blud & Chunk print#620/1000 NY Comic Art Gallery1977 Poster NY Comic Art Gallery1977 PosterSigned heavy stock Spider ManSigned Poster Green GoblinSigned Poster A Look Back print1978 Jason's in the Basement With Daddy1972 #27/30 Jason's in the Basement With Daddyback BatmanTCG RatedPrint #10/500 BatmanCertificate Swamp Thing #9Cover Print Swamp Thing #10Cover Print Swamp Thing #7Cover Print Roots of the Swamp Thing poster Batman the CultPoster Marvel Knights1998 36"x12" Marvel "Sold Out"1988 Poster Chaos ComicsNightmare Theater poster Chaos Comicsclose-up poster offer Kitchen Sink PosterSmall image of Captain Sternn in corner Night Terrors print2000 signed The VictorianPoster Dead She Said poster2008 IDW SDCC24"x61" Dead She SaidPoster Jurassic ParkPoster Psycho PosterUniversal StudiosSigned Obituary Band PosterBack From the DeadAlbum cover Cemetery DanceNakatomi 18"x24"#18/150 Meatloaf Dead RingerAlbum Poster Print #1 CreatureTwenty Eyes CollectiveSigned #8/100 Print #2 ZombieTwenty Eyes CollectiveSigned #8/100 You're New Around HereNakatomi #10/75Glow edition You're New Around HereNakatomi Signed #10/175 You're New Around HereNakatomi B&W Dark As A DungeonNakatomi red variantSigned #11/25 Dark As A DungeonNakatomi Signed #11/75 Dark As A DungeonNakatomisquare print#20/110 Convention Poster2014 Mondo Con20"x30" Signed #143/150 Convention Poster2014 Mondo Con20"x30" Sunset PosterNakatomi20"x30" Convention Print2014 Mondo Conw/ Fransesco Francavilla13"x19" #6/100 signed by both Cycle of the WerewolfNakatomi kickstarter8"x10" embossed Metallica Concert PosterNakatomi 6/29/2017 Metallica Concert PosterNakatomi 11/28/2018 Gang of Seven book printinclude w/ SDCC edition French Mutants Poster24"x32" book store large poster for the 17th Horror and Fantasy film festival in Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain 10/28 - 11/4 2006. Brazil poster for The Cult Studio Promo Poster1979 Big-O 16 1/2"x23 1/2" Swamp Thing ad poster18"x24" SDCC 2019Detective Comics #100011"x17" print #17 of 50 Hulk & Thing posterItaly 2020folded Hulk & Thing poster28"x40" Hulk & Thing posterback Alien poster24"x36" The Reaper - Nakatomi#18/300 - 18"x24" Creepy #71 frontisPoster 24"x36" Captain Sternn print81/2"x11" Cousin Eerie poster24"x36" 8x10 Embossed Giclee printNakatomi puzzle kickstarter 8x10 Embossed Giclee printNakatomi puzzle kickstarter Into the SwampNakatomi18x24 print 3/30024x36 poster 20/20 Nakatomi Coloring Bookkickstarter print The FuriesNakatomi18x24 print 3/30024x36 poster 16/50 German CREEPSHOW poster19"x12" Wickedness in the Heavenly PlacesNakatomi 12"x22"24"x44" 2/50 Wrightson TributeKickstarter print Children of the Night Nakatomi No. 12/10012"x18" Wrightson TributeKickstarter print Trick or TreatNakatomi No. 1/10012"x16"