Magazines Creepy #96/66 B&W image Creepy #9B&W image Creepy #9B&W image close up Web of Horror #112/69 "The Game That Plays You" inside cover Web of Horror #1Inside cover Web of Horror #22/70 "Mother Toad", "Breathless" Web of Horror #34/70 Front/back cover, "Feed It", centerfold Web of Horror #3back cover Web of Horror #3Centerfold Blast #12/71 "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" w/ Marv Wolfman Blast #1"Beneath the Planet of the Apes" w/ Marv Wolfman Castle of Frankenstein #107/71 "A Case of Conscience" Swank11/71 "Munchmo Coming" Swank"Munchmo Coming" Swank1/72 "Water Job" l Swank"Water Job" Swank2/72 "The Monster's Thing" Swank"The Monster's Thing" Swank3/72 "Titus and Pubius" Swank"Titus and Pubius" Esquire3/72 "Redneck" Esquire"Redneck" Swank4/72 "Fanny Nappers" Swank"Fanny Nappers" Nightmare #910/72 back cover Nightmare #9Back cover Nightmare #1012/72 back cover Nightmare #10Back cover Savage Tales Conan Thr Barbarian10/73 "Skull of Silence" Creepy #5711/73 Werewolf Game Creepy #57Werewolf Game National Lampoon11/73 "Bat Day" centerfold National Lampoon"Bat Day" centerfold Vampirella #235/74 "The Believer" Vampirella #23"The Believer" Vampirella #23"The Believer" Creepy #625/74 "The Black Cat", Frontis Creepy #62Frontis Eerie #576/74 Frontis Eerie #57Frontis Vampirella #346/74 "Coldcuts" Eerie #587/74 "Pepperlake Monster", Frontis Eerie #58Frontis Creepy #637/74 "Jenifer, Frontis Creepy #63Frontis Famous Monsters #1087/74 Graveyard Examiner Famous Monsters #108Graveyard Examiner Famous Monsters #1098/74 Fang Mail Letterhead Famous Monsters #109Fang Mail Letterhead Eerie #598/74 Frontis Eerie #59Frontis Creepy #648/74 Frontis Creepy #64Frontis Eerie #609/74 "Nightfall" back cover Eerie #60"Nightfall" back cover Dude11/74 "Munchmo Coming" B&W Dude"Munchmo Coming" B&W Eerie #6111/74 Frontis Eerie #61Frontis Creepy #6611/74 Frontis Creepy #66Frontis Creepy #6712/74 B&W images, Frontis Creepy #67Frontis Creepy #67B&W image Creepy #67B&W image Creepy #681/75 Frontis Creepy #68Frontis Eerie #621/75 "Cool Air", Frontis Eerie #62Frontis Eerie #632/75 Frontis Eerie #63Frontis Creepy #692/75 Frontis Creepy #69Frontis Eerie #648/74 Frontis Eerie #64Frontis Vampirella #403/75 Vamp'i Vault, bio, illustrations Vampirella #40Vamp'i Vault, bio, illustrations Creepy #704/75 Frontis Creepy #70Frontis Kull and the Barbarians #25/75 Frontis Kull and the Barbarians #2Frontis Eerie #655/75 Frontis Eerie #65Frontis Creepy #715/75 Frontis Creepy #71Frontis Eerie #666/75 Frontis Eerie #66Frontis Eerie #677/75 Frontis Eerie #67Frontis Creepy #738/75 B&W illustration Creepy #73B&W illustration Eerie #689/75 "The Muck Monster" color National Lampoon9/75 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon"Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon11/75 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon"Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon10/75 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon"Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon12/75 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon"Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss Creepy #7511/75 Frontis Creepy #75Frontis Comix International #21975 "The Muck Monster" color Marvel Preview Presents Star-Lord #41/76 Frontis Marvel Preview Presents Star-Lord #4Frontis Eerie #7011/75 Frontis Eerie #70Frontis Eerie #711/76 Frontis Eerie #71Frontis Creepy #761/76 Frontis Creepy #76Frontis Creepy #772/76 "Clarice, Frontis Creepy #77Frontis Eerie #722/76 Frontis Eerie #72Frontis National Lampoon2/76 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss Eerie #7810/76 "Cousin Eerie" spot on frontis Eerie #78"Cousin Eerie" spot on frontis National Lampoon2376 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon"Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon7/76 "Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss National Lampoon"Thrilling Amazing Fantastic Adventures" w/Preiss Creepy #8310/76 Frontis Creepy #83Frontis Creepy #862/77 "Dick Swift's Power Ring" Creepy #873/77 cover, illustration, "A Martian Saga" Creepy #87Illustration Heavy Metal8/77 cover "Ziegfeid" Creepy #918/77 "Nightfall", "Cold Cuts" Vampirella #639/77 "Jenifer" Heavy Metal10/77 back cover Heavy Metalback cover Creepy #952/78 "The Laughing Man" Hammer's Halls of Horror #216/78 "One Too Many" Creepy #10311/78 "The Black Cat" Marvel Super Special #91978 2 illustrations Marvel Super Special #9Illustration Marvel Super Special #9Illustration Heavy Metal6/79 "An East Wind Coming" Heavy Metal"An East Wind Coming" Creepy #11311/79 cover, all content National Lampoon11/79 "Love Under Laboratory Conditions" National Lampoon4/80 - "The Searchers - Part II" 4pg. story National Lampoon"The Searchers - Part II" 4pg. story Heavy Metal5/80 3pg. article on The Studio Heavy Metal3pg. article on The Studio Heavy Metal3pg. article on The Studio Heavy Metal6/80 9pg. "Captain Sternn Featuring Hanover Fiste" National Lampoon9/80 "A Visigoth Explains Himself" National Lampoon"A Visigoth Explains Himself" Heavy Metal9/80 back cover Heavy MetalBack cover Comics Journal #623/81 Review of The Mutants, 2 ads Comics Journal #62Portfolio ad Comics Journal #62Mutants ad Epic Illustrated10/81 Frankenstein pin up Epic IllustratedFrankenstein pin up Eerie #125Oct 1981reprints - uses Bernie Cousin Eerie head Eerie #125end panel of "Goddess From the Sea" From Vampirella #1end panel of "Goddess From the Sea" National Lampoon1/82 "Bewitched" Fantastic #271/82 - 6pgs. Swamp Thing movie article w/ illustrations Fantastic #276pgs. Swamp Thing movie article w/ illustrations Heavy Metal2/82 back cover Heavy MetalBack cover Epic Illustrated2/82 pin up Epic Illustratedpin up Dark Age1982 3 illustrations Dark AgeIllustration Dark AgeIllustration Dark AgeIllustration Amazing Heroes #115/82 Swamp Thing article w/ art Amazing Heroes #11Swamp Thing article w/ art Amazing Heroes #11Swamp Thing article w/ art Creepy #1386/82 Splash page Creepy #138Splash page Heavy Metal8/82 - 9pgs. "Freak Show" pt.1 Heavy Metal9/82 - 6pgs. "Freak Show" pt.2, back cover Heavy MetalBack cover Heavy Metal10/82 - 7pgs. "Freak Show " pt.3 Comics Journal #7610/82 cover, 34pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Comics Journal #7634pg. interview Heavy Metal11/82 - 9pgs. "Freak Show" pt.4, 8pgs. "Class Reunion" Heavy Metal"Class Reunion" Heavy Metal12/82 - 7pgs. "Freak Show" pt.5 Heavy Metal1/83 - 6pgs. "freak Show" pt.6 Heavy Metal12/83 Illustration Heavy MetalIllustration Epic Illustrated2/84 - 8pgs. Frankenstein Epic Illustrated8pgs. Frankenstein Epic Illustrated8pgs. Frankenstein Epic Illustrated8pgs. Frankenstein Epic Illustrated8pgs. Frankenstein Epic Illustrated8pgs. Frankenstein Epic Illustrated8/84 "The Potty's Over" Comics Feature #319/84 The Swamp Thing Papers Comics Feature #31The Swamp Thing Papers Epic Illustrated6/85 Metal Man cover, Infinity article, 7pgs. Dreadstar Epic IllustratedMetal Man cover Epic Illustrated7pgs. Dreadstar Amazing Heroes #747/85 Benefit page Amazing Heroes #74Benefit page The Comics Journal #1007/85 Interview Epic Illustrated2/86 - illustration, "They Just Fade Away" Epic IllustratedIntended for "Absolutely Incredible Comic" cover Epic Illustrated"They Just Fade Away" Fangoria #641987 "My Demon Artist" Fangoria #64"My Demon Artist" Fangoria #64"My Demon Artist" Starlog #1196/87 "Hulk and Thing" images Starlog #119"Hulk and Thing" images Cinefantastique Vol.17 #3/46/87 sketch. My Demon Lover storyboards Cinefantastique Vol.17 #3/4Sketch Cinefantastique Vol.17 #3/4My Demon Lover storyboard Slaughter House #41989 sketches from Hellraiser "The Warm Red" Slaughter House #4Sketches from Hellraiser "The Warm Red" Comics Scene #71989 2pg. Swamp Thing interview Comics Scene #72pg. Swamp Thing interview Comics Scene #72pg. Swamp Thing interview Comics Interview #786/89 illustration Comics Interview #78Illustration Fangoria #915/90 - 5pgs. on "Shadow Over Innsmouth" Fangoria #91"Shadow Over Innsmouth" l Fangoria #91"Shadow Over Innsmouth" Advance Comics #251/91 cover Amazing Heroes #19410/91 cover w/ Michael Gilbert Tundra Title WavesFall 19926 pg. Captain Sternn B&W preview Previews3/93 - cover minus card, 4pg. interview, 3pg. promo PreviewsFlip cover PreviewsPromo Advance Comics #579/93 Captain Sternn Revealed Advance Comics #57Flip cover Advance Comics #57Captain Sternn Revealed Footsteps '931993 cover, ad Card adFrom Footsteps '93 Previews8/94 - 5pgs. promo and interview PreviewsFlip cover PreviewsPromo PreviewsPromo PreviewsPromo PreviewsInsert Cards Illustrated #11Nov. 1994Previews promo ad and article Cards Illustrated #112 pg. article Amazing Figure Modeler #461995 - 11 pg interview with Illustrationsby Mike Parks 11 pg interview with Illustrationsby Mike Parks Marvel Super-Heroes Megazine #63/95 Splash page Marvel Super-Heroes Megazine #6Splash page Cinefantastique Vol.26 #46/95 article and 2 paintings for "Space Truckers" Cinefantastique Vol.26 #42 paintings for "Space Truckers" Venture #3Nov/Dec 1995 - cover Modelers Resource #101/96 cover, 4pg. article, ad, photo Frankenstein Model adModelers Resource #10 Modelers Resource #10Photo w/ bust Heavy Metal One Step Beyond9/96 Captain Sternn World of Fandom Vol.2 #30Fall 1997 cover World of Fandom Vol.2 #30Fall 1997 prism cover Comic Book Profiles #2Spring 1998 - all Bernie Comic Book Profiles #2Illustration Comic Book Profiles #2Illustration Comic Book Profiles #2Illustration Fangoria #1814/99 - "The Faculty" article From Parts Unknown #510/99 Centerfold From Parts Unknown #5Centerfold Comic Book Artists #112/99 - 9pgs. Interview and illustrations Comic Book Artists #19pgs. Interview and illustrations Comic Book Artists #19pgs. Interview and illustrations Comic Book Artists #19pgs. Interview and illustrations Comic Book Artists #19pgs. Interview and illustrations Comic Book Artists #19pgs. Interview and illustrations Comic Book Artist #4Spring 1999, cover, inside cover, 6pgs. interview/illustrations Comic Book Artist #4Inside cover Comic Book Artist #4Spring 1999 - 6pgs. interview/illustrations Comic Book Artists #5Summer 1999 Article on DC in the 70's Flip coverAlter Ego Vol.2 #5 Comic Book Artist #5Index page Comic Book Artist #5Shadow ad in article Comic Book Artists #5Article on DC in the 70's Comic Book Artists #5Article on DC in the 70's, Fan Club ad Starlog Spider-Man7/02 5pg. article Starlog Spider-Man5pg. article Starlog Spider-Man5pg. article Starlog Spider-Man5pg. article Comic Book Artist #244/03 National Lampoon article Comic Book Artist #24National Lampoon article Comic Book Marrketplace #1058/03 5pg. interview w/ illustrations Marrketplace #105Interview w/ illustrations Backissue! #610/04 - 12pg. interview w/ Len Wein, 2pgs on Howard the Duck for President Cemetery Dance 50th Issue10/04 cover Alter Ego #410/04 cover, 7pg. interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Alter Ego #4Interview w/ illustrations Zombie Tales #212/05 cover Alter Ego #5310/05 Halloween issue w/ art Alter Ego #53Halloween issue w/ art Alter Ego #53Halloween issue w/ art Previews12/06 cover, 2 pg. preview PreviewsFlip Cover Previews2 pg. preview Rue Morgue #686/07 - 5pgs. on "City of Others" Rue Morgue #68Monsters HD ad Rue Morgue #685pgs. on "City of Others" Rue Morgue #685pgs. on "City of Others" Alter Ego #707/07 Roy Thomas article w/ art Alter Ego #70Roy Thomas article w/ art Alter Ego #7310/07 Reality fanzine article w/ art Alter Ego #73Reality fanzine article w/ art Fangoria #26811/07 "The Mist" Alter Ego #8110/08 "Caught In A Web Of Horror" article Rue Morgue #85New Frankenstein book article Rue Morgue #8512/08 - New Frankenstein book article Rue Morgue #85New Frankenstein book article Rue Morgue #85New Frankenstein book article Alter Ego #923/10 Sword & Sorcery article Alter Ego #92Sword & Sorcery article Back Issue #3610/10 - 7pg. article w/ illustrations Back Issue #5210/11 cover, 9pg. interview w/ illustrations Comic Book Creator #7Winter 2015 cover, interview w/ images Comic Book Creator #7Interview w/ images Mad Magazine No.7Jun 2019Plop #1 insert Mad Magazine No.7Jun 2019Plop #1 insert - full comic Backissue #150April 20245 pgs on Bernie Back Issue #155November 2024cover, multiple articles/images Cryptology #1November 2024cover, 18 pg article w/ illos Back Issue #156December 2024cover, small pic of Hooky