Italy Italy Batman AliensItaly - Graphic Novel Aliens Volume 2Italy - hard coverreprints DH Aliens #2 Hulk & ThingItaly - Graphic Novel HookyItaly - Graphic Novel Batman - The CultItaly - Graphic Novel Batman - The CultDeluxe Hard CoverItaly Batman - The CultItaly Hard CoverPlatinum Series Batman - NevermoreItaly - Graphic Novel Badtime StoriesItaly - 1979soft cover FrankensteinItaly - hardcoverOscar Ink - 2018 Frankensteinincludes Frankenstein plates Cycle of the WerewolfItaly - paperback Cycle of the WerewolfItaly - 1991paperback The Cosmical Horror of H.P. LovecraftItaly - soft cover"Cool Air" Punisher #1Italy Punisher #2Italy Punisher #3Italy Punisher #4Italy Marvel KnightsItalyPunisher #1 Marvel KnightsItalyPunisher #2 Marvel KnightsItalyPunisher #3 Marvel KnightsItalyPunisher #4 Green Lantern/Green Arrow #84Italy - Graphic Novel Green Lantern/Green Arrow #84,#20,#82Italy - Graphic Novel Hell RaiserItaly - Graphic Novel"The Warm Red" L'ora delle Streche ? I Pocker Terrore #4Italy - Pocket bookH.O.M. #217 cover B&W Terrore a colazioneEureka #14 1973Italy - Pocket book"Gargoyle Every Night" Necronomicon / I Pocket del Terrore #42Italy - Pocket BookH.O.M. #213 cover, "Things Old, Things Forgotten" B&W Il figlio del Demonio / I Pocket del Terrore #5 - 1974Italy - pocket bookcover SkorpioItaly - Jan. 1981"The Laughing Man" Load More...