Ads and Catalogs Ads and Catalogs PreviewsCard Series #1 ad PreviewsCard Series #2 ad PreviewsBinders ad SideShow Winter 96-97 Catalogmailing envelope SideShow Winter 96-97 Catalog SideShow Winter 96-97 Cataloginside front SideShow Winter 96-97 Cataloginside back Frankenstein Model adModelers Resource #10 Creepshow Bookplate adCinefantastique Vol. 13 #1Back cover Captain Sternn t-shirt adFrom Heavy Metal 1/82 Fan Club adComic Book Artists #5 FPG cards adFootsteps '93 Graphic Gallery #21972 catalog of art for sale Graphic Gallery #2Artwork Graphic Gallery #2Artwork Graphic Gallery #2Artwork Graphic Gallery #2Artwork Graphic Gallery #2Artwork Graphic Gallery #2Artwork Underwood-Miller catalog1991cover Underwood-Miller catalog1991back cover Underwood-Miller catalog19912 pg. ad Graphic CollectiblesMar 15, 1993 catalog Graphic CollectiblesSternn painting from back cover Graphic CollectablesDecember 1993 Graphic Collectibles1994 art catalog 29pgs. Charles F. Miller catalog1998 Fall-Winter Fantastique IllustrationAutumn 1984Issue #4 Book catalogSummer 1988cover Heritage Auction catalogAug 7-9 2014Cover, interior art Load More...